The Kindly Caveman
There were three Cave men long ago
Before the earth knew war and woe.
The cave had always been their home;
They knew no other place to roam.
Inside the cave there was no light
But they were glad the sun was bright.
The Eldest had a Crafty soul;
To plot and build things was his goal.
The second was a Thinking man
And pondered all a Thinker can.
The Youngest was not so inclined;
He wanted only to be kind.
This Kindly brother, every spring,
Fresh water to the cave would bring,
And first a little he would pour
To feed some flowers on the floor.
And if he saw his brothers ill
He’d thirst so they could drink their fill.
‘Twas not his brothers’ skill he lacked;
He merely thought their ways abstract.
So when in earnest they would scheme,
He’d leave to walk along the stream.
Beyond the cave he hoped to find
Some new occasion to be kind.
Some other cave men lived nearby
In hills the Kind one’s path was nigh.
He’d search for food hid in the cold
And bring it to their sick and old.
But this night he was warned away
With whispers of the Tiger’s stray.
The Tiger was a dreadful view,
The old among the cave men knew.
She stood upon four legs like trees
With claws that could a Mammoth seize.
Two frightful fangs adorned her head
And where she wandered, cave men fled.
Too young to know the Tiger’s sight
That filled so many with such fright,
The Kindly Caveman kept along;
He had no fear, his heart was strong.
And that was when he saw the gleam
Of Tiger’s eyes beneath the stream.
A heavy rock had fallen down
And doomed the mighty Cat to drown.
She struggled and she clawed the shore
But fighting only sunk her more.
The Caveman ran and pushed the stone
And freed the Tiger on his own.
She clambered up to drier ground
Then stopped and slowly turned around.
Her gaze met with the Caveman’s eyes,
Which quivered now to see her size.
She blinked at him and leapt away;
The Caveman, smiling, went his way.
While Crafty man discovered flame
And Thinker gave the spark a name,
In came the Youngest with the tale
That turned his brothers fearful pale.
They thought he acted foolishly
To set the fearsome feline free.
Alarmed, those two discussed some way
To keep the rumored beast at bay:
Perhaps a heap of stones they’d stack
To block the cave and hold her back;
Or flame might make a better wall
If fuel could keep it burning tall.
The Thinker with a stick began
To scratch the ground and trace a plan,
And soon the cavern’s floor was filled
With pictures of the things they’d build.
As they invented eagerly,
The Youngest kindly let them be.
When morning came the Eldest stood
And set out first to gather wood.
But Thinker went abroad to ask
Some nearby men to join the task.
So several cave men soon arrived
To see what plans had been contrived.
With help the wall was quickly built,
Though trampling made the flowers wilt.
The rumor of the project grew
And to the wall a crowd it drew.
Soon other cave men brought their kin
The stronghold to be sheltered in.
The Eldest told them they could stay
If with some labor they would pay.
At first the cave they must expand
To hold a crowd in size so grand.
The Thinker, so there’d be no flaws,
Wrote down a rigid set of laws.
With effort was the cave transformed
And many flames the darkness warmed.
They fashioned picks to break the rocks,
Which echoed with a thousand knocks.
When need increased they found that logs,
If cut, could serve as wheels and cogs.
The Kindly brother did his best
Assisting all with food and rest.
He smiled at first but felt dismay,
For law and labor ruled the day,
And in the change that had begun
It seemed his friends forgot the sun.
At last the Crafty brother stood
And said “the work we’ve done is good.
“But in the building, we forgot
“The Tiger that still must be fought.”
With that the men tied stick to stone,
Preparing weapons to be thrown.
As on they went their violent way,
The Youngest pled with them to stay.
He said “Though you may think me blind,
“They cannot live who are not kind.”
The Thinker heard him from the throng
And pondering he walked along.
The hunters tracked the mud-print paw,
Then all at once looked up in awe.
Upon the calm and grassy hill
Was poised the Tiger, standing still.
She held them in her piercing glance,
‘Till Crafty brother threw his lance.
For victory the cave men cried,
Then saw the spear bounce off her hide.
More rocks and spears they quickly threw
Then turned and fearfully withdrew;
For all the weapons they engaged
Had only made the Cat enraged.
They ran in terror to the cave
For safety they supposed it gave.
But when inside fled one and all
The Cat with ease destroyed the wall.
Now nothing more could hold her back;
They had been foolish to attack.
Bewildered by the crashing sound
The Kindly Caveman stood his ground.
The fear he could not comprehend
That such a beast could be his end.
His brothers watched as, like a child,
He stood before the Cat and smiled.
The strangest vision then occurred:
The Tiger ceased her charge and purred.
She paced to where the youth did stand;
He touched her head, she licked his hand.
Then with a curt and gracious roar
She bounded out the broken door.
His brothers and the others came
And laid upon themselves the blame.
The Eldest said “We must advance
“If to survive we have a chance.
“Although the Tiger tore it down,
“We’ll build another, better town.”
The crowd agreed they must explore,
And not be cave men anymore.
As all prepared their home to leave,
They heard their youngest brother grieve:
“Though with you all I wish to be,
“Your world of strife is not for me.”
The Thinker, kindly, sat beside
His brother who so meekly cried.
He said: “Observing you, I find:
“They cannot live who are not kind.
“Your way is best, but if you stay,
“I know we will be back someday.”
Then all the people went away
To make the world we know today.
The Kindly Caveman stayed behind
To teach new creatures to be kind.
And there, I think, he is today,
‘Till you and I go back to stay.